
'Love, We are Here to Care. Remember' Billboard for For Freedoms AAPI Solidarity Campaign
Date: 2021
Medium: Gouache on paper, Billboard in LA and ATL
Billboard locations: TCL Chinese Theatre, 6925 Hollywood Blvd (Facing West and East, Under Marquis) Los Angeles, CA
and 241 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA
Billboard partner: @orange_barrel_media
Photographer: Job Piston, @jobpiston
Description: This billboard is our handwritten love letter to our communities during a time when so many of us are encouraged to desensitize ourselves to the violence and grief present around us. Mutual aid and care are how we sustain each other and allowing ourselves to feel and become deeply present is the medicine for this time. The flowers featured in the billboard are flowers traditionally associated with honoring death throughout some of our Asian diasporas and this offering is our reminder that we are here to care for one another.

Banner for Scarlet ChaCha
Date: 2021
Medium: Gouache on paper
Dimensions: 15.5 x 11.5 inches

How I Feel
Date: 2019
Medium: Gouache on paper
Dimensions: 12 x 18 inches

Date: 2018
Medium: Gouache on paper
Dimensions: 17 x 11 inches
Ode to HTML
Date: 2016
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 18 x 27 inches

Tools of the trade
Date: 2016
Medium: Acrylic on wood
Dimensions: 14 x 17 inches

Urban Demonologies series
Date: 2017
Medium: wheat paste ink on paper
Description: This series consisted of large-scale wheat paste drawings of various ghosts, demons, and apparitions onto the streets in New York. Within Buddhism, ghosts appear in the physical realm to find retributive justice, as ways for spirits to regain justice and karma as those who have been unfairly treated in their lifetime. Horror is used as a medium for social critique, as many ghosts and demons depict oppressed bodies in society such as women.

FRESH series: Poptarts
Date: 2015
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Description: A dialectic on the collective imagination of food, consumption, reproduction, GMOs and its effects on the body, sexuality, the psyche. FRESH is new, FRESH is a product: instantly packaged as life emerges from the womb. Eating as masturbation. Fantasies of fresh food and flesh materialize our desire to bear libations, disfigure, enlarge, reproduce, extract, and decorate. Today you can customize the food on your plate, your palate, your excrements, according to your desires. The edible is erotic; food needs to look desirable in the same way we perform coquetry. Its design and presentation functions at a subconscious level of decision-making. What red is the true red? What size of a potato is acceptable? What sound does a watermelon make? Intuition guides us, but the eye is easy to deceive. Authority of design regulates what is appetizing and what is not, re-inscribing genetic codes comfortable for our vision.

FRESH series: Strawberries
Date: 2015
Medium: Oil on Canvas

FRESH series: Sweetmeats
Date: 2015
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas

My sister says the saddest things
Date: 2013
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas