
Our Birthright: Love, Interdependence, Power
Date: 2021
Medium: zine
Dimensions: 5.8 x 8.3 in. 48 pages
Description: Contemplations on Love, Interdependence, and Power
U.S. and international shipping available.
Will be shipped from NY state. Shipping fees will depend on postage.
Please paypal sliding scale $5 - 10 to
this link for a digital copy of the zine with a note for Our Birthright with your email address.

Fake Up Use
Date: 2021
Medium: zine
Dimensions: 11.7 x 16.5 in. folded. 15 pages
Description: Zine on beauty standards in Korea and how they are constructed by colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, feudalism, white supremacy, and anti-Blackness.
U.S. and international shipping available.
Will be shipped from NY state. Shipping fees will depend on postage.
Please paypal sliding scale $1 - 5 to this link for a digital copy of the zine with a note for Fake Up Use with your email address. Please note which language you would like as well.
Available in Korean and English.

Queer Korean Language School Workbook
Date: 2019
Medium: zine
Dimensions: 11.5 x 8 in
Description: Coming back to Korea after not living here for almost 20 years, I was hungry to learn language that I wanted to talk to people about. It is about my process of learning Korean, but also something that I want to share with people in Korea who haven’t lived here in a while and moved back or even people in Korea who might not know the language that people here (especially queer and transgender people) are creating. Some of the language has been taken from English, and some of it is Korean. My hope is that these words will open us up into creating new possibilities of envisioning and understanding ourselves that can ultimately help us toward collective liberation.